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  • Writer's pictureCharlie Hayley

Get to know your birds: Charlie Summers

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

This is one spesh bird! You know when you just click with someone? When you finish each others sentences, when you basically love everything the same, vibe the same & have instant trust & proper real life connections without even trying? Yeah, we know it doesn't happen often. But that's what happened when Shani met Charlie. Life is so much better when it's shared with a fave, so we are beyond stoked our Fitbirds journey is one now experienced together. Meet the other Boss Bird, Charlie Summers.

Q. Where did you grow up?

A. I grew up in Nottingham, a little village called Cossall. A lovely family house in

the countryside with my Mum, Dad and Sister. We had dogs, horses, rabbits,

guinea pigs, hamsters and fish. I have very fond memories of a happy childhood.

Q. What do you love the most about being in the fitness/wellness industry?

A. Mostly I love inspiring clients to move in different ways, to think outside of the

box and to change their opinion of “fitness”. For me, movement is fitness, and if

movement is dancing till 6am with G&T in hand then babeeeee, that’s

FITNESS! I love being a positive part in clients’ journeys, celebrating their highs and

watching them achieve something they never thought possible.

Q. Why did you choose the fitness industry?

A. The fitness industry chose me! I’ve always been sporty, as I kid I did

everything! Gymnastics, athletics, swimming, horse riding, trampolining. I then studied dance to train in professionally & I loved every second. I moved

to London & at some point I realised living a life as a dancer wasn’t fulfilling my passion of inspiring others. I decided to train as a PT, best thing I ever did! All my past

movement experience in one big cocktail of fun and I get to inspire you birds


Q. Are you afraid of anything?

A. Needles! Absolutely petrified of needles. Injections are a proper ordeal for me. I’ve actually had to be pinned down before in my teens, lol!

Q. What will we never see Charlie do?

A. Get a tattoo… or have acupuncture, needles. Embarrassingly I had to pass on the

opportunity to have acupuncture needles in my ears at the end ceremony of the

last FWBC because I’m actually the biggest baby!

Q. Latest Netflix craze?

A. David Attenbourough- A life on our planet.

This got me bad, had me blubbering like a baby. Really got me thinking about

how we can try and live as sustainably as possible. Made me really wanna go

scuba diving again before all the coral gets bleached and see the amazing marine

life of the GBR. Never been & it’s on my list.

Q. Fave place you’ve travelled to and why?

A. Ooohhhhhhh this is a VERY hard one!

Philippines OR India. Philippines, because everyone is sooooo happy all the time. So welcoming, always singing and dancing. They love karaoke and partying and just generally

it’s effing beautiful birds. The clearest water I’ve ever seen and there I did my

first ever night dive on an island called Apo Island. So cool!

Q. Wine or G&T

A. If I’m at home-always red wine, unless it’s a hot day! If I’m out out always G&T

unless it’s a prosecco kinda night!

Q. Veggie, vegan, meat eater, flexi, pesci? Do you put a label on it?

A. I am all about the balance birds. As a kid I was the fussiest eater, like my

parents had actual murders with me, I just wouldn’t eat anything. NIGHTMARE.

Hence the nickname Twiglet. Now I REALLY love food, I actually think about

food all the time birds! I love cooking and trying new things. My favourite thing

about travelling is trying the local delicacies and trying all the street food from

the cute little markets. So no, no label. I eat well and very healthily but you’ll

also see me pig out and indulge.

Q. When are you the happiest?

A. Moving and dancing to music. Travelling. On the back of a bike getting lost in a

new Country with George. In the Ocean. In the sunshine. Walking with indie.

With my family! Yup, and now we love you even more Twiglet! x

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